Provide Peace of Mind
My mother and I found ourselves rummaging through her apartment just 2 days after she had died there in order to look for paperwork and documents. It was eerie, uncomfortable, and overwhelming to say the least. I remember seeing a pair of her shoes by the front door positioned as if she’d return any minute and slide them on. I felt very protective of her space. It seemed as if we were violating her privacy, and in the end, we came up empty-handed. We began searching for the names of insurance companies and randomly calling them to ask if they had record of her being a policyholder, but of course everyone said NO.
Life Snapshot® was founded in hopes that we can help Provide Peace of Mind for families that have to pick up the pieces after a loved one dies by easily accessing the necessary information and documents to do so. Death does not discriminate based on Race, Age, Income, or Marital Status. Estate planning is necessary for everyone. Our desire is to help families during what I personally know to be a very difficult time.
Warmest Regards,
Founder, Life Snapshot®